Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Working on the Cover

After deciding to make my cover image of the acaí bowl that I made, I created and added cover lines to my cover. They include 4 Essential Spices, Guilt-Free Brownies, How To Beat Cravings, and 10 One Skillet Meals. I used numbers to catch the eye of my target audience. I made sure they all had to do with eating healthy before adding them to my cover. I then put the masthead and date of my magazine onto the page. Under that, I put the title of my main article with a little description with the page number that it starts on as well. Between the main article title and the other cover lines I put a little line to show the separation between them. Since I took a picture of the acaí bowl in the right third of the screen, it was perfect for me to put all of my cover lines on the left side of the cover. After that, I played around with fonts and colors of fonts to see which looked best. I decided on mixing white and black fonts throughout the cover. 

I wanted something unique to be on the cover and what I used for this was a big star. In the star, I wrote "Are you looking for a new way to start your morning?" I made the star navy blue to bring out the blue in the blueberries that are a topping on the acaí bowl. I made my masthead white to show the reader the connection between that and what's in the white bowl. I also made the title of the main article yellow to go with the banana in the bowl as well as the morning color. 

I decided to make the issue date of my magazine in June because that is when berries are in season so the cover photo of the blended berries can be made with the fruit of the season when the magazine is issued. 

When working on my cover, I decided to not include a selling line as it would be cluttered and make it look unorganized. I wanted my cover to be simple and to the point so it wasn't the slightest bit confusing to the reader. Since my target audience is ages 25 to 40, people in that age range want to get their information as clearly and quickly as possible. 

Here's what I have so far. 

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