Sunday, March 31, 2019


After looking over all that I've worked on so far, I decided to change my table of contents as it didn't turn out as good as I thought it had the potential of. 

The first issue I noticed was the picture. The content in the picture was only a small portion of it. To solve this problem, I cropped the picture I originally used into a square. The square picture contained all of the content and looked better with the layout I changed it to. I also added a page number to go along with the picture so that if the reader likes the picture and wants to know where it came from they can go to that page.

Since there wasn't a lot of information in my original table of contents other than the main articles, I knew I needed to add more information as the table of contents should be informative and allow the reader to easily navigate throughout the entire magazine. I did this by adding sections to help organize all of the information I wanted to present in the table of contents. The first section is called "The Latest." This is the main articles that will be presented and change every issue. I called the second section  "On The Menu" to show the reader all of the recopies in the magazine. Since this is a healthy cooking magazines, recipes to make are very important and should be able to be sound without difficulty. The third and last section is entitled "Always Included." This section will be in every issue and include what's in every issue that's the same as other issues. I added lines in between each section to show the distinction between each one and separate them with organization.

The last thing I did was add pictures that I had previously taken of food that I have made in the past to the "On The Menu" and "Always Included" sections. These will show other pictures of various things that will be included in the magazine. I also put page numbers on the pictures so the reader can easily identify where the pictures and information to go along with it are. 

When first viewing a magazine, my target audience is looking for the best variety of information they can get. Since this is a new magazine, I thought the best way to do this was by making a long magazine for them.  

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