Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Starting the planning process!

Since I last blogged, I have been reviewing my research and thinking about what I would be most interested in making. I found pros and cons in making both of the magazines so I ended up having a hard decision to make. The main pro I thought of if I were to make a lifestyle magazines was that it could influence people to live their best life like people they look up to that would be in the magazine. The main con was that people can take things the wrong way. For example, if someone sees their role model lost a lot of weight and is becoming a lot healthier, they may assume that they have to be very skinny and go to the extreme when trying to lose weight that they are starving themselves and ultimately becoming unhealthy. The main pro I thought of if I were to make a cooking magazines was my interest in it. As earlier explained, I love cooking and trying new recipes so I wouldn't be bored when making it. The main con was that I have to find someone to interview for my double page spread that has experience in cooking. 

After weighing all of my pros and cons, I have made my final decision to make a healthy cooking magazine. I chose to do this because of my interest in cooking. After doing my research on both cooking and lifestyle magazines, I have realized that eating habits play a big part of the daily life. I am going use what I have learned to make a cooking magazine that people who love cooking and reading articles related to it can enjoy. 

My target audience is going to be ages 25 to 40. People try to eat healthy at all ages but try to cook healthy when they finish college and get their own place at around age 25. My magazine is going to be printed and put in supermarkets, where the entire cover can be seen and is convenient for those who read it and want to buy ingredients to try a new recipe. It is also going to be digitally printed on a PDF file that can be accessed on the magazines website to keep up with the rapid evolution of technology. As the magazine grows, I want to have them in the back compartment of plane chairs so that people can read them on the plane. When people go on vacation, they usually eat unhealthy so they can read this magazine to help them get back in shape after their vacation. 

To start out with the cover, I drew out my plan. The cover image is going to be of a healthy meal that is taken as if it was being seen by the person before eating it and will cover the entire page with the main focus being where I wrote "Main Image". The edition name will go along with when the issue is published so that it can best fit when it's released. The main cover line will be in a bigger font than the rest of the cover lines below it. In the cover lines, I am going to use numbers to attract readers and get them interested to open it up and get to know about all of the information that it has to offer. After making this plan, it helped me figure out where I'm going to put the main elements of my magazine cover as well as keep me organized in the planning process.

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