1. The genre I will be exploring today is Lifestyle Magazines.
2. They have a wide range of content as every individual has a different lifestyle. Some topics they can cover may include but are not limited to fashion, fitness, insight on products and new ideas, reports, designs, how to live a simple yet good lifestyle simultaneously, collections of products, how much of an impact one design can leave, rankings, features, people, currents, travel, cuisine, and recipes. It will always contain a note from the editor, advertisements, sources, and what the specific magazine includes to make theirs unique.
3. Production techniques used in lifestyle magazines are all towards its target audience between the ages of 20 and 50. At age 20, people are trying to figure out how they want to spend the rest of their life after schooling. By age 50, retirement is in the picture and people want to see where they will end up after their work life ends. In between those ages, people are trying to figure out how to live their life to the fullest. Lifestyle magazines usually contain pictures that portray a good lifestyle so the audience will want to read more into how they can get it. Every issue will display the month and year that it will be issued. Most of the time, the issue is related to what season it is released in, and The Table of Contents will reveal that if that case is present. A main story goes along with the front cover to get the reader to read further into the magazine. Headings for each section is in the same font throughout the entire magazine so it can easily be picked out from the rest of the words on a page. Each heading has sub-stories that fall into the category it’s under. The pages are numbered so if a reader sees something they want to look at from the contents and finds the page it says it will be on, they can go straight to that page without looking through the whole magazine to find it.
4. The magazine sample that embodies my genre is the July/August 2018 issue of Coastal Living which talks about lifestyles when living on the water. It went along with the summer season that it was issued in. The front cover is a picture of a house on an island to show coastal living and get the audience to want to read more. It contains sections and subsections throughout the magazine and The Table of Contents shows this to the reader. The currents were about artists, designers, and crafts-people making waves. The havens section talks about a color theory, a seaside design, and a view with a room. The navigator section rates the happiest seaside towns. The bounty section explains creative ideas for homemade toppings to go on ice cream sundaes, ways chefs light up a food scene, and six ways to shake up a classic recipe. It also contains an editor’s letter in the beginning and the sources at the end. The heading to each section have the same font throughout so they can be recognized. Several advertisements were present throughout the magazine.
5. The magazine sample that embodies my genre is the October 2018 issue of Weston Lifestyle. The front cover is the profile of a women with courage who has the main story of the magazine about her surviving her breast cancer journey. There’s an editor’s letter and credits. There’s insight from a question and answer session about following a famous career path. Life lessons can be learned from the new ideas discussed that are coming up. Lifestyle connect helps the reader get to where they want to be. There’s also a section about cooking that contains dishes and recipes for the readers to try. The page numbers allow the reader to find what they want to look at. The advertisements that are present throughout this magazine go along with how to live a good lifestyle.
6. Other examples of Lifestyle magazines I looked up include but are not limited to:
U.S. Weekly
Southern Living
Vanity Fair
“Top 10 Lifestyle Magazines.” AllYouCanRead.com, www.allyoucanread.com/lifestyle-magazines/.
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